Boca Raton - Michael Aversano


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    Michael Aversano kann detaillierte Marktdaten nutzen, um eine genaue Immobilienbewertung zu erstellen.
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    Rudy and Michael Aversano | Top Dollar | Keller Williams

    About Michael : 561.782.7363

    Book a free in person 2 Hour Home Evaluation appointment and potentially list your home for sale with Michael and Rudy Aversano by using our automated booking function.

    As a two-time recipient of the Air Force Achievement Medal, I thrive on challenges that others might find daunting. Guided by the principles of Integrity, Service, and Excellence, I navigate both life and business with unwavering commitment. Having proudly served my country, I now channel that dedication into serving you. Collaborating with my father, Rudy, is not only an honor but a privilege. He epitomizes fatherhood, mentorship, and salesmanship, boasting a remarkable track record of success and a trove of accolades. His guidance has sculpted not just a career but a legacy, affording me and my siblings opportunities beyond measure. I am profoundly grateful. With each passing day, I strive to emulate his prowess, aspiring to surpass even his achievements. Someday, I aim to pay forward his invaluable lessons and blessings, ensuring his legacy endures through me.

    About Rudy: 561.770.8412

    Book a free in person 2 Hour Home Evaluation appointment and potentially list your home for sale with Michael and Rudy Aversano by using our automated booking function.

    I came from a long history of sales at a very early age. I was running my father’s marble factory when I was just 21. After that, I went to work in music industry as an agent in Manhattan at one of the top three agencies. That is when my unique and strong sales ability started to shine. I was dealing with famous, powerful, wealthy, people putting together contracts and concert tours for bands like Cool & The Gang, New Kids On The Block, Gladys Night, LL Cool J & others all around the world. I made Vice President of the company in only a short amount of time. After many crazy, exciting, stressful years, Diane and I decided to get married and begin a family. Together, we decided to leave the music industry and start a maintenance company in Manhattan. Within two years we built a successful maintenance corporation with a string of large accounts, many employees and trucks. After twelve years, we had three children and decided to cash in in what we built (PMS- Perfect Maintenance Service). It was now time to do what we both really wanted- Real Estate! Starting out, we joined a RE/MAX company, which was probably the smartest thing we could have done. With them, we consistently made the Platinum Club (which is a high honor) and learned how to build a Real Estate Team. Once we accomplished that, we decided to open our own company. After 17 years of success, We now work with a wonderful group of licensed & professional full time agents. Not only do I love negotiating deals and meeting new people every day, with my wife by my side we have become a dynamic and successful team while having fun. Real Estate has been good to us and we would like to opportunity to show you what we can do for you.

    Michael Aversano
    Lizenznummer: sl3594208

    Handy, Mobiltelefon
    Contact Rudy and Michael
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